Providing Office Space for Business Development
Lenawee has many entities working to promote business development: Lenawee Now, Greater Lenawee Chamber of Commerce, City of Adrian Economic Development Agency, Visit Lenawee and others.
Many other communities have supported the development of small business incubator spaces, often called Entrepreneur Centers or co-working small business space. The Armory offers a physical location shared with and supported by these organizations.
We visited and established direct relationships with other, similar programs such as Start Garden in Grand Rapids, Launch Detroit, the Dallas Entrepreneurial Center and the Nashville Entrepreneur Center. We intend to create a smaller, leaner version of similar programs, including “wrap around services” to the budding entrepreneur, co-working space for them, direct, on-site support from the above-mentioned entities, volunteer mentors, and chances to match investors with entrepreneurs.
Space in the lower level of the Armory is already available for this program. Support will be developed at low cost, designed to be self-supporting on a long-term basis. Investment support is always appreciated from the leadership in the Adrian area.

Office Space and Meeting Rooms Available
Move your business here! The Adrian Armory offers monthly office room rentals, conference rooms, co-working space, and even small office working areas for a few hours or a day.
Low-cost space available to help your business grow in Lenawee County! Share space at the Adrian Armory and benefit from community shared resources.
Contact us to discuss your space requirements, and how we can help you with space for your business.
Currently, the following are tenants:
Murray and Murray
We are actively seeking other tenants who can contribute to community development and small business support.